While breast implant surgery is the most well-known and performed plastic surgery procedure when it comes to the aesthetics of the breasts, in recent years more and more women have been resorting to breast reduction to get the breasts of their dreams. Many would wonder, why would a woman want smaller breasts? Having overly large breasts can be a real struggle, and undergoing the procedure can make life easier for the patient in many ways.
So what is the mammary reduction operation? In short, breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed under general anesthesia and provides (aside from the obvious aesthetic benefits) increased functionality and an improved quality of life.
Breast reduction surgery can last two or three hours. It can be performed in combination with liposuction to contour the body furthermore and eliminate unsightly adipose deposits that can form on the back and axilla.
Before undergoing breast reduction surgery, the patient needs to prepare. Here is the pre-operative checklist for breast reduction surgery:
– If the patient is overweight or obese, the plastic surgeon will recommend a weight loss program to get rid of the excess weight before undergoing the intervention. This is important to avoid ruining the aesthetic results if weight loss occurs after the procedure.
– Birth control medication, natural supplements, as well as other anti-coagulant medication should be stopped at least two or three weeks before the procedure is scheduled. Also, keep in mind that no anti-inflammatory medication should be taken a week before breast reduction surgery. Taking medication not recommended by the plastic surgeon can result in unwanted complications.
– Smoking should be ceased three to six weeks before surgery to allow for a fast recovery and a good cicatrization of the surgical incisions.
– The patient should get the prescribed pills for the recovery period. Pain control medication, as well as antibiotics, will be prescribed for the first week after the procedure.
– The patient should get a support bra. The breasts will need proper support and a certain level of compression after breast. The special post-op bra should be worn non-stop for a couple of weeks and only during the daytime for several months.
– The patient should get food, drinks, entertainment and ice packs for the recovery period. After breast reduction surgery, the first couple of days can be associated with pain and discomfort. This means the patient should have all the daily necessities already in the house. The patient is advised to go shopping for food, drinks, and entertainment before undergoing the procedure. Some patients also prefer to cook meals and store them in the freezer for later consumption. Ice packs are good in reducing discomfort and post-op swelling, so make sure you have some in the house.