The stakes can be high with a range of challenges when embarking on infrastructure, construction or development projects. From navigating regulatory compliance and establishing financial models to contractual obligations and appropriately managing risk, projects call for more than just legal expertise. They require a deep understanding of the entire project lifecycle and construction market from experienced legal experts who understand the law and all nuances of project development, construction, risk mitigation, and dispute resolution.
Our national team of 22 partners and over 100 lawyers, are highly regarded specialists who advise on major infrastructure projects in Australia across energy and renewables, social infrastructure, transport, PPPs, developments and dispute resolution.
We assist clients and their project teams to successfully deliver projects. We advise public and private clients and Contractor, consultants and other project participants which gives us detailed insights into the issues relevant to project delivery and risk management. We focus on key business drivers and critical issues, adapting our documentation and approach to your needs and project objectives. We help you navigate the risks and set a path, so the project is delivered to your strategic, operational objectives and on-budget.
We provide safe hands and comprehensive solutions designed to navigate the complexities inherent in the industry, from small fit outs to large-scale infrastructure projects. Whether you are a sponsor, investor, contractor, developer, operator, consultant or government agency, our multi-disciplinary approach ensures that every legal aspect is covered, from initial planning, project completion to dispute resolution.
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