Influence : Science and Practice

"Dr Robert Cialdini is a leading authority on influence and persuasion, and in this illustrated edition of the international bestselling classic, he reveals the six universal principles behind becoming a skilled persuader. He shows not only how you can apply them, but also how to defend yourself against them. More than 30 years of research into the psychology of influence has earned Dr Cialdini an international reputation as the leading expert in the fields of persuasion compliance, and negotiation. Influence: The Graphic Edition presents the essence [illegible] his ideas, condensing decades of study and sought-after advice into an accessible, digestible graphic book. Fascinating and immensely useful for people in all walks [illegible] life, the principles of Influence will move you toward profound personal change [illegible] act as a driving force for your success."--Publisher's description.

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Influence: Science and Practice the Comic
Robert Cialdini
Недоступно для просмотра - 2012

Об авторе (2012)

Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D. holds dual appointments at Arizona State University. He is a W. P. Carey Distinguished Professor of Marketing and Regents' Professor of Psychology, and has been named Distinguished Graduate Research Professor. Dr. Cialdini is also president of INFLUENCE AT WORK, an international training and consulting company based on his groundbreaking body of research on the ethical business applications of the science of influence. He is the most cited social psychologist in the world today in the field of influence and persuasion.

Библиографические данные

Название Influence: Science and Practice
Автор Robert B. Cialdini
Иллюстрации Nathan Lueth
Соавтор Nadja Baer
Издание: иллюстрированное
Издатель Profile Books Limited, 2012
ISBN 1846686148, 9781846686146
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 50
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