According to the Colorado Department of Revenue, if your business will be selling, renting or leasing tangible personal property, you must obtain a sales tax license and file sales tax returns.
2. How do you register for a sales tax permit in Colorado?
In Colorado, sellers based in-state apply for a Sales Tax License while sellers based out-of-state apply for a Colorado Retailer’s Use Tax License.
3. What information do you need to register for a sales tax permit in Colorado?
4. How much does it cost to apply for a sales tax permit in Colorado?
For in-state sellers, it costs $16 to apply for a Colorado sales tax license. There’s also a $50 deposit.
For sellers based out-of-state who are applying for a Retailer’s Use Tax License, the permit is free.
5. How long does it take to receive your Colorado sales tax permit?
If you apply online you’ll receive your sales tax permit number the same day. If you file by mail, allow 2-3 weeks to receive your paper license.
6. Do you have to renew your Colorado sales tax permit?
Yes, Colorado sales tax licenses must be renewed every 2 years, at a cost of $16 for each business location in Colorado.
7. How can I learn more about Colorado sales tax?
If you’re ready to get started with sales tax and want to automate it with the experts, check out TaxJar today!
See how TaxJar can simplify your compliance.