Initial Study Submission

All human research study applications are submitted and stored online in the myIRB system. The submission process has 8 basic steps.

Step 1: Confirm that your project needs IRB review and determine which application form to use.

Our Decision Tree guides you through a determination of whether IRB review is required and, if so, which type of application form most likely fits your project. A video tutorial with more information about the decision tree can be found here.

Alternatively, two references have details for application forms based on project type and whether or not federal regulations apply:

Step 2: Prepare your study protocol.

If you already have a protocol from a sponsor or external collaborator, upload this document for IRB review. If you are seeking a format for a protocol written by a KU Medical Center investigator, the KU Medical Center Protocol Template may be used:

For secondary research projects, these forms are considered a study's project description and protocol.

Step 3: Assemble other required documents.

Review the complete list of documents to prepare (07/2020) matched with the correct screen in myIRB for each document you plan to upload for your study.

Step 4: Complete your Project Description or Request for Determinations of Other Project, as directed in Step 1.