Ifta chain of title affidavit

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IRP & IFTA Information

More In Motor Vehicle

The International Registration Plan (IRP) is a commercial vehicle registration agreement between the 48 contiguous United States, the District of Columbia and 10 provinces of Canada. This agreement allows the base jurisdiction to process IRP license applications and collect fees for member jurisdictions. Fees are based on the percentage of miles that are traveled by a registrant’s fleet in each member jurisdiction.

The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is an agreement between participating jurisdictions to simplify the collection of motor fuel taxes. Under this agreement, a quarterly fuel use tax return is filed with the base jurisdiction. The quarterly fuel use tax return reflects miles traveled, fuel purchased, and taxes/credits due in each jurisdiction. The base jurisdiction is responsible for the collection and distribution of funds to each participating jurisdiction.

You will be able to access your IRP renewal application online the first day of your renewal month.

IFTA accounts can be renewed starting in November just prior to the registration year.

IFTA Quarterly Due Dates

Reporting QuarterDue Date
January, February, MarchApril 30
April, May, JuneJuly 31
July, August, SeptemberOctober 31
October, November, DecemberJanuary 31